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Investing with a Small Amount

Hi everyone, I am wanting to start investing and am not quite sure where to start. I only have small amounts to invest at the moment/its what I am comfortable putting in given I am still learning ($20 a fortnight). How do I start though as when I click on an ETF it says the minimum buy is $500. Do I need $500 to just start investing? I would like to make sure it is diversified though. Any help for this newbie would be great! Thank you!

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Vanessa Leatch.

20 April 2023



nick nicolaides


over 1 year ago

Hi Vanessa! Great question, Pearler has a few ways to invest at different amounts and with or without automating, but it can be a little confusing.

It sounds like you’ve considered what you want to invest in, as well as how much & often. So a great start! There are two ways to take a step back and decide what type of account suits you.

  1. Log out and have a good read of main page, see the various options there.

  2. Whilst still logged out, click Explore / Invest and go a bit deeper into the different options. Not all investing needs to be directly via the ASX, which has the $500 mins and costs to match.

  3. Head to the Ask tab and filter (those little coloured buttons) for key words that you think will help 😊 – we have a range of articles that will guide you.

  4. Head to the Learn tab and search for blogs with your key words

Whilst this may seem like a lot (and not a simple ‘hey just do this’ answer, if you follow these steps you should work it out and feel more confident in your decisions.

Have a go, and reply back here with how you went, so we can continue the conversation 👏


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