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Micro ETFs

Hi everyone. I am pretty new to this field. I have just begun micro investing into the ETFs available on pearler. Does anyone have any advice or tips for me as a beginner? Anything is appreciated Andie

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Andie-Samantha Smidmore.

23 March 2023



Dave Gow - Strong Money Australia


over 1 year ago

Hello :)

As a beginner, I think there are a few important things to remember…

  • Saving and adding money to your portfolio on a regular basis is far more important than getting high investment returns.
  • A simple strategy is almost always better than a more complicated one
  • Markets will go up and down, so try to ignore the news, the daily and weekly movements, and focus on what you can control (earning, saving, and buying more shares).
  • Investing is a journey, and we all learn as we go. So don’t put too much pressure on yourself to ‘figure it out’ as fast as possible.

You might also be interested to hear some of the common mistakes shared by other investors in the Pearler community here:

Hope that helps and all the best.


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