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Stock split IVV

Hi, I’m very new at investment and I’m a little bit confused with the announcement from BlackRock Investment Management re the split of IVV shares. Are we supposed to do something? IVV will now change to IVVDB?



nick nicolaides


almost 2 years ago

Hi Francisca! The good news is you don’t have to do anything. Blackrock are splitting the units you have into more units, but with a lower price. During the transition, IVV shares have become IVVDB, on the 13th of December they will be converted back to IVV with the split.

It has no financial impact on you, you’ll just have more units at a lower share price – so it will be the same portfolio value as if it never happened.

Your IVV on the dashboard may have looked a little funky last week but we’ve made an adjustment to adjust for the $ change vs more units.

One cool thing about a stock split, particularly for an ETF that had a relatively high price per unit, is that when you are buying with a fixed dollar amount the smaller units might mean less leftover money. This is also great for people autoinvesting with our Automate function.

Hope this helps!

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over 1 year ago

Hi Nick would you mind reviewing the last post in this thread and shedding some light on that please? 😊

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over 1 year ago

I still have IVVDB showing in my portfolio with a balance of $0 however it is showing a loss of $411. I also have IVV showing separately with my current balance and it is showing a positive return. Just wondering what the loss is and why it is recorded next to IVVDB?

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over 1 year ago

Nicola, I have same, interested to know the answer to this and if there is something we need to do?

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over 1 year ago

Also experiencing the same here.. wonder if Pearler team will let us know what’s going on there

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Chloe Vines


over 1 year ago

I also have this still on my main dashboard,
I’m very confused. 😂

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over 1 year ago

Hey all,

IVV has been updated to normalise pricing so it should reflect your actual position since you first purchased it. That is what your should view as your investment.

IVVB will show the temporary gain/loss when you held IVVB – since the split has been completed the IVVB data is less relevant because it only showed a movement for the few weeks it was in market; and you no longer actually need this in your dashboard as all of your investment is shown in IVV.

To delete IVVB from your dashboard when you click on IVVB a little popup should show and at the bottom (you might have to scroll) you can select remove asset. If you have any troubles reach out to support.

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David Horton


over 1 year ago

I think you need to take note of the price on the day of your stock split because parcels of shares you buy in the future will be at a different rate. For capital gains calculations when you eventually sell you need to know the original cost and number of shares. This event will have slipped your mind in 10 years, but the ATO mightn’t.


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