

What is an AMMA statement, and when do I need to use it?

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By Oyelola Oyetunji

2024-09-016 min read

Have you invested in shares or ETFs? Discover how an AMMA statement helps you manage your tax obligations without the headache.

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Many of us in the Pearler community are about the long game. You’re in it for the journey, not just a quick profit. Selling might not be something you do often. However, whether you've sold ETFs or earn distributions , you want to stay on the right side of tax law. That’s where AMMA statements come in.

AMMA statements might sound a bit technical, but they’re more straightforward than you might think. They’re a must for keeping your investments and your tax records in check. If selling isn’t on your radar right now, understanding an AMMA statement can save you a lot of hassle later on. They're also essential for tracking any distributions you've earned from your investments.

In this article, we break down what an AMMA statement is, why it matters, and how it helps you stay tax-compliant. Plus, we share some easier options if you’d rather keep things simple.

What is an AMMA statement?

Let’s get to it what exactly is an AMMA statement ? AMMA stands for ‘attribution managed investment trust member annual’. In plain terms, it’s a statement that tells you:

1. How much income you earned from your investment

2. How much tax was paid on your behalf

3. Any credits or offsets you can claim

It’s like a summary of your investment’s financial year, tailored for tax time.

Whenever you sell shares or exchange-traded funds (ETFs) , the tax side of things can get tricky. Let’s say you buy five shares every month for a year, and then you decide to sell 10 shares. By the end of the year, you’re left trying to figure out which sales match up with which purchases. It can be a bit of a puzzle, and that’s where the AMMA statement can help clear things up.

An AMMA statement is crucial for completing your tax return, especially if you’ve earned income through an attribution managed investment trust (AMIT). That includes certain ETFs or managed funds.

Using an AMMA statement helps you report your income correctly when doing your taxes. Even if you’re not planning to sell anytime soon, knowing what an AMMA statement is will keep you prepared, and track your investment earnings. It can make tax time smoother and less stressful.

When are AMMA statements needed in the investing process?

So, when do AMMA statements come into play? If you’re like most long-term investors , you’re probably not selling your investments every other day. But when you do decide to sell, or if you've earned distributions, an AMMA statement can help.

You’ll typically receive your AMMA statement after the end of the financial year. It arrives in your inbox or by mail, around the time you’re getting ready to sort out your taxes. This timing is important because the statement summarises your income from ETFs or managed funds, which you need to report when doing your tax return.

Even if you’re not selling, the AMMA statement still matters. It helps you stay on top of your tax obligations by providing a clear breakdown of your earnings and tax credits. That way, when the time does come to sell or do your taxes, you’ve got all the info you need in one place.

How do AMMA statements allow me to meet my tax obligations?

Tax time can feel like a chore, especially when you’ve got multiple investments to track. That’s where the AMMA statement proves its worth. It simplifies things by giving you a clear snapshot of your investment income and tax details.

When you’re submitting your tax return, the AMMA statement helps you report your income accurately. It breaks down the income you’ve earned, any tax that’s already been paid, and any credits or offsets you’re entitled to claim. This means you can avoid the guesswork and make sure you’re paying the right amount of tax no more, no less.

The statement also helps if you’ve been reinvesting dividends or dealing with capital gains. It provides the information you need to report these correctly and stay on top of your tax obligations. In short, the AMMA statement is your go-to document for making tax time a little easier and a lot less confusing.

How it works

Income reporting

Your AMMA statement shows the income you earned from your investment over the financial year. This could include things like dividends/distributions , interest, or other payouts. When you’re doing your tax return, you’ll need to report this income. For example, if the statement says you earned $500 in distributions, that’s what you’ll enter as income on your return.

Capital gains

If you sold any of your investment units or shares, the AMMA statement will detail any capital gains or losses. Capital gains are taxed differently from regular income. The statement will tell you how much of your gain is taxable, and if you’ve held the investment for over a year, you might get a discount on the tax. So, if you made a $200 capital gain, that’s the amount you’ll use to figure out your tax.

Tax credits and offsets

The AMMA statement also lists any tax credits (e.g. franking credits ) or offsets you’re entitled to. These could be amounts already paid on your behalf, like foreign tax credits. You can claim these credits on your tax return to reduce what you owe. For example, if $50 was withheld as tax, you can use that to lower your tax bill, so you’re not paying more than you should.

Distribution components

The statement breaks down different parts of your distribution, such as franked dividends, unfranked dividends, capital gains, and foreign income. Each part is treated differently in your tax return. The AMMA statement gives you the details so you can enter everything correctly and claim any tax offsets you’re eligible for.

In short, the AMMA statement is your guide to how your investments performed and what that means for your taxes.

Less complicated alternatives to using AMMA statements

Not everyone wants to dive into the details of an AMMA statement. If you prefer a DIY approach to submitting your taxes, there are simpler alternatives out there.

Tools like Sharesight and Navexa can do a lot of the heavy lifting for you. They automatically track your investments, calculate your income, and even figure out your capital gains. These tools can generate reports that make tax time a breeze, pulling together all the info you’d usually find in an AMMA statement.

If you’re investing through Pearler, you’ve got access to our Navexa-powered CGT helper . This tool simplifies the process even further, sorting out tax-time headaches. It’s designed to help you keep track of your capital gains and losses so you’re reporting everything accurately. With the CGT helper, you get a breakdown of your CGT plus an Australian Tax Office (ATO) -friendly report to help you blaze through your taxes.

Of course, you can always bring in a tax accountant if you’d rather not deal with the numbers. They can crunch the numbers for you and ensure everything is in order.

Stay tax-ready with the right tools

AMMA statements might not be the most exciting part of investing, but it’s important to stay on top of your tax obligations. Whether you’re holding onto your investments for the long haul or thinking about selling, an AMMA statement can help make tax time a lot easier.

If diving into the details isn’t your style, there are simpler tools and resources available. From platforms like Sharesight, Navexa, or Pearler’s CGT help, to consulting with a tax accountant, there’s no shortage of options to get tax-ready.

As always, make informed decisions that fit your investing journey. Understanding how AMMA statements fit into the bigger picture can help you confidently manage your investments. And keep your focus where it belongs on your long-term goals.

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Oyelola Oyetunji

Oyelola Oyetunji is part of the Content & Community Team at Pearler.

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