MGP Ingredients Inc.
👑 Overview
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Annual Growth
5 years average annual growth
Pearlers Invested
Since January 2020
👑 Overview
Key information
🔎 Fund Overview
MGP Ingredients, Inc. is a producer and supplier of distilled spirits, branded spirits, and food ingredients. The Company operates through three segments: Distilling Solutions, Branded Spirits, and Ingredient Solutions. The Distilling Solutions segment consists of food grade alcohol and distillery co-products, such as distillers feed, fuel grade alcohol, and corn oil. This segment also includes warehouse services, including barrel put away, storage, and retrieval services, as well as blending services. The Branded Spirits segment consists of producing, importing, bottling, and rectifying of distilled spirits. Its Ingredient Solutions segment consists primarily of specialty wheat starches, specialty wheat proteins, commodity wheat starches, and commodity wheat proteins. It is also a producer of industrial alcohol for use in both food and non-food applications. The Company’s distillery products are derived from corn and other grains, including rye, barley, wheat, barley malt, and milo.
📈 Performance
Price History*
* US price history does not take into account stock splits
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💰 Price*
*Price may be up to 24 hours old
👩👩👦 Community Insights
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🌏 Pearlers invested in MGPI
📊 Total Capital Earnings
🔃 Average investment frequency
💵 Average investment amount
⏰ Last time a customer invested in MGPI
MGPI investor breakdown
💵 Income of investors
More than 200k
150k - 200k
100k - 150k
50k - 100k
Less than 50k
👶 Age of investors
18 - 25
26 - 34
35 - 90
🙋 Legal gender of investors
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