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PIMCO Strategic Income Fund Inc


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👑 Overview

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Annual Growth

5 years average annual growth


Pearlers Invested

Since January 2020

👑 Overview

Key information
🔎 Fund Overview

PIMCO Strategic Income Fund, Inc. (the Fund) is a diversified closed-end management investment company. The Fund’s primary objective is to generate a level of income that is higher than that generated by high-quality, intermediate-term United States debt securities and capital appreciation to the extent consistent with this objective. The Fund’s managers can select issues across the full range of fixed income sectors. The Fund normally invests at least 80% of its net assets in a combination of income-producing securities of non-corporate issuers, such as securities issued or guaranteed by the United States or foreign governments, mortgage-related and other asset-backed securities issued on a public or private basis, corporate debt obligations, and other income-producing securities of varying maturities issued by United States or non-United States corporations or other business entities. Pacific Investment Management Company LLC serves as the Fund's investment manager.

📈 Performance

Price History*






* US price history does not take into account stock splits

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💵 Costs


6.50 AUD*
Purchase Fee

*$5.50 with Pearler Prepay


Management Fee

Included in unit price, not charged by Pearler


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🤓 Advanced information

Technical Info

💰 Price*


*Price may be up to 24 hours old

👩‍👩‍👦 Community Insights

How our community is investing

🌏 Pearlers invested in RCS


📊 Total Capital Earnings


🔃 Average investment frequency


💵 Average investment amount


Last time a customer invested in RCS

RCS investor breakdown
💵 Income of investors

More than 200k

150k - 200k

100k - 150k

50k - 100k

Less than 50k

👶 Age of investors

18 - 25

26 - 34

35 - 90

🙋 Legal gender of investors



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