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Where do I find my dividends?

Super dumb question, but where do I find the dividends that should have been paid recently for my holdings (VGS/VAS)?

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Thomas Robinson

20 July 2022



nick nicolaides


about 2 years ago

This is not a super dumb question! It’s not even a partially dumb question… its a really clunky part of our Aussie investing landscape! Cathy has the goods here, for you but just for context: The separation of your share holdings on your HIN with your broker (like us), from the registry that has your address and dividends info (like Computershare or Link), the company or fund you own shares in (Like Vanguard’s funds) makes it not only complicated to manage, it makes it harder than it needs to be to track all of your preferences and details… We get maybe 20 DMs about this topic a week, so we’re happy to answer it here for everyone to see!

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Cathy Sun


about 2 years ago

Hi Thomas,

Thanks for highlighting this popular tax time question!

By default, any dividends will be paid into your Pearler Primary cash (AU) account if the initial investment into the stock was made this year.

If you are not seeing these payments come through on your Transactions page , it would be best to check what dividend preferences are in place at the share registry level.

Each share uses their own share registry to manage the registry of shareholders for that company. The registry has the following responsibilities:

-Recording changes in share ownership

-Issuing shareholding statements

-Manages dividend payments, bonuses and rights issues.

Once logged into the share registry portal, you can select to have your dividends reinvested or paid out to a bank account.

You can find the responsible share registry on Pearler when you click on that share from your Dashboard under the heading «dividend reinvestment».

You can also simply do a search for the share on the ASX website where you can find the responsible share registry listed near the bottom right of the page :)


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