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Setting up Account: Declare your Affiliations?

I am confused by this section. Can you please help me select which of the statements apply to me (that is/are generally correct): I am currently a control person of a publicly traded company I am currently affiliated with or employed by a stock exchange, member firm of an exchange or FINRA, or a municipal securities broker-dealer I am currently affiliated with any government official entity, or have dealings with a government official or any government-related entity of any country

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Daniel Patano.

21 July 2022



nick nicolaides



about 2 years ago

Hi Daniel, this is a question that causes many people to pause. Ultimately it’s up to you to decide if any of these relate to you, but I’ve tried to give some context / examples below.

  1. The questions are partly aimed at identifying if you are a person that, due to your work or relationships, are likely / able to come across confidential information that could impact the market or individual companies. So it may help to read them in that context.

  2. Hopefully the questions about working at a stock exchange or broker are self-explanatory, but the government ones tend to be a bit less easy to figure out, for people working in the public sector. The key words are ‘affiliated’ and ‘dealings’, which have specific implications. If, say, you are working in a senior position or supporting someone in a senior position within a government department or entity your answer would probably be different than if you were working in a customer service role at a local government department.

Sorry if this is a little vague, but we can’t provide any guidance on this as it relates to you personally. Hope it has been of some help! ☺️

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almost 2 years ago

Hey Daniel. Ahh yes, that is a confusing question indeed, thanks to the jargony language used. Here’s my understanding…

This question is basically asking you if you are someone who is in charge of a public company… or if you’re employed by a stock exchange… or if you’re a government official or regulator of some sort. For almost everyone, the answer to all Qs is no. But I guess only you know the answer to these :)

Hope that helps. I’m pretty sure Pearler and other brokers are required by law to ask these questions, and as silly as they seem, there probably is a reason behind it.


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